LOSE #5 by Michael Deforge (out of print comic book anthology)
LOSE #5 by Michael Deforge (out of print comic book anthology)

LOSE #5 by Michael Deforge (out of print comic book anthology)

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Lose #5

By Michael DeForge

Lose #5 is the latest issue in Michael DeForge's one-man anthology series. This issue houses three self-contained stories: “Living Outdoors” tracks two high school students as they explore a zoo and experiment with hallucinogens. “Muskoka” is the story of a cowboy on the road home to see his family. “Recent Hires” follows a young author’s descent into the criminal underworld in order to win the affections of a girl.

  • ISBN: 978-0-9879630-6-2
  • 7 x 10 inches
  • 48 pages
  • b&w
  • June 2013
  • Koyama Press

Winner of the 2013 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Series Winner of the 2013 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Artist

"Michael DeForge is the closest thing we have to a new Dan Clowes in terms of his ability to make each issue of his series special and perfect." -- Nick Gazin, Vice

"Michael DeForge is well on his way towards enshrinement as one of the seminal cartoonists of his generation ... His work displays obvious and pervasive influences -- Chris Ware, Hideshi Hino -- but DeForge doesn''t merely borrow style tricks from these masters, instead transforming them into something entirely original." -- Jason Michelitch, Wired

"One issue of this series comes out each year, and I don''t know if #5 is the best one yet, because I think they are all pretty great, but I know that even after expecting only amazing things from Michael DeForge, he continues to surprise me." -- Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources

"With each new project from him [DeForge], you never quite know what to expect. But you know it'll be arresting, weird, expertly crafted, and unlike anything else being published today. And each time, it'll be one of the best comics you read all year." -- Joseph Hughes, ComicsAlliance

"[ Lose #5 ] is for my money the strongest of DeForge's artistic output in 2013 and deserves a spot on any best-of-the-year list. The story "Living Outdoors," about two kids and their adventures with hallucinogens, is worth the price of admission alone, but the rest of the book is equally excellent." -- Jeppe Mulich, Filth and Fabulations

"Michael DeForge's one-man anthology is the gateway to a gob-dropping world." -- Jesse Locke, Weird Canada

"I've discovered the work of Michael DeForge, which I'm really digging." -- Brian Michael Bendis ( Ultimate Spider-Man , Powers, Alias ), The Nerdist

"If you aren''t reading Michael DeForge, I don''t know what you''re doing with your life." -- Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources

"DeForge's world is not for the squeamish. But it is one whose grotesqueries increasingly mirror, rather than distort, the mundane world with which we think we are familiar." -- Sean Rogers, The Globe and Mail

"DeForge a fantasist and a horrorist and a humorist who doesn''t seem interested in any of the established rules for any of those genres. In his hands, they aren''t even genres, they are something else. Impressions. Moments. Dreams of something else. His comics are the best of the year so far. And he''s so prolific, I expect we will see more from him before the year is done." -- Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources

"When it comes down to it, Lose #5 contains some of DeForge's best work to date. There was a period of time when I thought his star might not be able to rise any higher, that he couldn''t possibly get any better, but this latest work has proven me shamefully wrong. May he continue in this pattern of putting out great work only to eclipse his own genius the year after. Michael DeForge, I salute you." -- Lindsey Morris, Girls Gone Geek

"[T]here''s a new issue of one of the hottest underground comics going on right now, Lose. It''s a collection of trippy, weird and entertaining short stories - it''s sort of like Adventure Time for grown-ups." -- Benn Ray, Largehearted Boy

"His [DeForge's] newest releases--a collection of convention minis and other short run one-offs called Very Casual , and the fifth issue of whatever-he feels-like Lose series--is exactly what one arrogantly screeches all cartoonists should be doing all the time: great, unique comics that only that individual could make that are a little better than their previous work, hearty and head-rushing experiences that plainly demand attention and then reward it easily." -- Tucker Stone, The Comics Journal Praise for Michael DeForge''s Lose #4

"I just picked up Michael DeForge's Lose #4 and it rules, like all of his comics. I say it all the time, DeForge is one of the best out there these days. Pick up any issue of Lose, pick them all up." - Kate Beato, Nominated for the Ignatz Award for Outstanding Series

"I've discovered the work of Michael DeForge, which I'm really digging." -- Brian Michael Bendis ( Ultimate Spider-Man , Powers, Alias ), The Nerdist

"If you aren't reading Michael DeForge, I don't know what you're doing with your life." -- Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources

"DeForge's world is not for the squeamish. But it is one whose grotesqueries increasingly mirror, rather than distort, the mundane world with which we think we are familiar." -- Sean Rogers, The Globe and Mail

"DeForge a fantasist and a horrorist and a humorist who doesn't seem interested in any of the established rules for any of those genres. In his hands, they aren't even genres, they are something else. Impressions. Moments. Dreams of something else. His comics are the best of the year so far. And he's so prolific, I expect we will see more from him before the year is done." -- Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources

"When it comes down to it, Lose #5 contains some of DeForge's best work to date. There was a period of time when I thought his star might not be able to rise any higher, that he couldn't possibly get any better, but this latest work has proven me shamefully wrong. May he continue in this pattern of putting out great work only to eclipse his own genius the year after. Michael DeForge, I salute you." -- Lindsey Morris, Girls Gone Geek

"[T]here's a new issue of one of the hottest underground comics going on right now, Lose. It's a collection of trippy, weird and entertaining short stories - it's sort of like Adventure Time for grown-ups." -- Benn Ray, Largehearted Boy

"His [DeForge's] newest releases-a collection of convention minis and other short run one-offs called Very Casual , and the fifth issue of whatever-he feels-like Lose series-is exactly what one arrogantly screeches all cartoonists should be doing all the time: great, unique comics that only that individual could make that are a little better than their previous work, hearty and head-rushing experiences that plainly demand attention and then reward it easily." -- Tucker Stone, The Comics Journal Praise for Michael DeForge's Lose #4

"I just picked up Michael DeForge's Lose #4 and it rules, like all of his comics. I say it all the time, DeForge is one of the best out there these days. Pick up any issue of Lose, pick them all up." - Kate Beaton author of Hark! A Vagrant (Drawn & Quarterly, 2011)

"Deforge has carved out a wide space for himself in the school of unnerving cartoon art, majoring in nihilistic humour and deadpan irony, with a minor in sexually-tinged body horror. Several of the pieces in this handsome square-bound comic book...elicit the very same hair-standing-on-end, skin-rippling frisson of terror that the best examples of the genre are known for." - BK Munn, Sequential

"Lose" #4 builds on what DeForge has done in previous comics and amplifies his own world-building. DeForge's odd stories have begun to develop a large-scale internal logic by this point, and his personal mythology is taking a more concrete form. The newest issue of "Lose" is astonishing. I am constantly surprised and amazed by what DeForge can do." - Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources,

"DeForge a fantasist and a horrorist and a humorist who doesn't seem interested in any of the established rules for any of those genres. In his hands, they aren't even genres, they are something else. Impressions. Moments. Dreams of something else. His comics are the best of the year so far. And he's so prolific, I expect we will see more from him before the year is done." -- Timothy Callahan, Comic Book Resources

"When it comes down to it, Lose #5 contains some of DeForge's best work to date. There was a period of time when I thought his star might not be able to rise any higher, that he couldn't possibly get any better, but this latest work has proven me shamefully wrong. May he continue in this pattern of putting out great work only to eclipse his own genius the year after. Michael DeForge, I salute you." -- Lindsey Morris, Girls Gone Geek

"[T]here's a new issue of one of the hottest underground comics going on right now, Lose. It's a collection of trippy, weird and entertaining short stories - it's sort of like Adventure Time for grown-ups." -- Benn Ray, Largehearted Boy

"His [DeForge's] newest releases-a collection of convention minis and other short run one-offs called Very Casual , and the fifth issue of whatever-he feels-like Lose series-is exactly what one arrogantly screeches all cartoonists should be doing all the time: great, unique comics that only that individual could make that are a little better than their previous work, hearty and head-rushing experiences that plainly demand attention and then reward it easily." -- Tucker Stone, The Comics Journal Praise for Michael DeForge's Lose #4